With the rise of dating apps and the changes in dating trends it feels like people must do everything they can to stand out. When you’re competing against 100s of other potential matches on any platform that you use, (though we recommend DAMB), it can feel like it’s just a numbers game.  

Especially when you are in college it can feel like everyone is going on dates and you’re trying to keep up with everyone else. It may feel like it takes forever, or it may seem luck based. It can be difficult to go out and find someone, especially with everything students have going on in their lives.  


Dating Should Feel Fun:

When Dating feels luck based and like a numbers game it’s no fun! It should feel like a process of learning someone and learning about yourself. Going out and having interesting times and stories, learning and feeling like you’re always getting closer to where you want to be. If you feel like you don’t have power over what happens it can make you feel helpless.  

While you can’t always control what someone else is going to do, the good news is that you’re not helpless. Even though you do have to stand out from 100s of people, most people who don’t make the effort to be unique. If you can present yourself honestly and stand out from other people, someone you like will reciprocate that back in time.  

It may take a while to find someone, but if you’re putting in the effort to be yourself and offer fun dates, you’ll find someone who shares your interests and eventually you’ll find the perfect person or people for whatever you are looking for.  

So What Makes a Fun/Interesting Date?

Interesting date to lake with mountains

A fun unique date is a date that is original, offers adventure and gives both people a chance to bond and get to know each other better. The most important part of the first date is having a great experience and feeling like you’ve learned and grown from the experience.  

Besides enjoying the first date and if you have decided you like the other person, your goal should be to get them to like you or be interested in you. The best way to get someone interested in you is to be interesting. The best way to be interesting is to be yourself and offer a unique experience. An easy way to do that is to go on creative and fun dates that are true to you.  

What’s the best kind of date?

The best kind of dates are the ones you would go on even if the other person wouldn’t accompany you. You should always look for things that will interest you and where you believe you would have a great time. You should never do something just to impress someone.  

That said, if these are date ideas that you would enjoy and you’re talking to someone else who you think would also enjoy going to them with you, they’re some great ideas to stand out, have a fun, unique time, and hopefully get closer to someone new. So for our first date recommendation: 

1. Going to a Pet Shop Together

Puppy Yawning

If there is one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that people who love animals really love animals, if you’re one of these people, a date to a pet shop could be a great first time out. Not everyone loves animals so unless you’ve both talked about how much you do, it may not be the move.

If you both are fans of animals and you’re both fans of pet shops though, going to a pet shop and playing with some animals can be an amazing first date. You both get to see a kind and caring side of each other, and you bond over animals that you both enjoy!

One great thing about going to a pet shop is that you can go to almost any pet shop for free! So there aren’t many things that can fit a college budget much better than this.

One thing to be cautious about when going to a pet shop, you want to make sure that your date isn’t allergic to animals and you want to make sure that the pet shop keeps the animals in good condition and that the shop is sanitary. If the shop smells bad your not going to have the best date, and your chances of getting a second go down in a hurry!  

2. Going to a Museum together 

This can be a great fun way to look at some interesting things together. A lot of museums give free discounts for college students so it can be a great move for a date. This is even better if they have expressed interest in something there is a museum for: like loving science and there being a science museum or loving art and there being an art museum.  

One of the problems of a museum date is that there aren’t always museums that are available that match your interests. If you are in a smaller city or more of a college town you may not be able to find any museums near you.  

That said, if you have some fun museums near you that you’ve been meaning to check out, it can be a great idea for a date. You just need to make sure it’s something that your date is also interested in. If so this is an awesome date idea.  

3. Going to a festival together


The great thing about festivals is that they are usually temporary. They usually only have festivals in town for a certain amount of time or days. This means that whoever you’d like to take probably hasn’t already gone since it’s only available so often.  

Festivals give you the chance to experience some unique experiences that you may not often be able to have. Festivals often have a theme, entertainment and great food (though often a bit pricy) at the events, so you won’t have to worry about anything!  

4. Going to a Comedy Show

Comedy Club

Everyone enjoys laughing and going to a comedy club is a great way to see if you two have the same sense of humor! This is particularly good if you’re a bit of an introvert. You have an excuse to be around someone you like without talking too much and you’ll both have a great time.  

Even if the show isn’t the best, there are usually multiple shows a night and you will be able to talk between shows to get to know each other a bit better.

If you get a bit nervous on first dates and want a fun, low stress, date it’s hard to do much better than going to a comedy show.  

5. Doing Karaoke Together (I love this one)

Karaoke Mic

In the sake of honesty, I must admit, I absolutely love doing karaoke, especially with someone I’m just meeting. I think there are few things that get the nerves off quite this quickly.  

You don’t have to be a great singer to do karaoke, and a lot of times it’s even more fun if you’re not! 

You just must not take yourself too seriously and not be afraid to go in front of a crowd and have a good time. This may not be for everyone, but it is a great way to become more comfortable with someone and lose a little of those jitters you may get with someone you like at first!  

6. Going to a Carnival


Eating junk food and playing carnival games against each other and trying to win $5 stuffed animals may seem a little juvenile, but if I had to pick with playing it too laid back or too formal on a date, I always choose the more fun option.  

Carnivals are a lot like festivals, there is always something interesting going on. The last carnival I went to offered camel rides for two, and there are a few things that can help two people who don’t know each other bond quicker than experiencing new, fun things together.  

7. Going on a Brewery Tour


Not every college student is going to be able to go on a brewery tour, many brewery tours require you to be over 21 and many breweries charge high prices for tours. If you are over 21 and your date is over 21, they can be so much fun though.  
Most brewery tours include tastings along with tours and looking through a brewery/winery can be a very intriguing experience.would only recommend this as a date if both and your date are over 21, even though some tours may allow those under 21.  

8. Taking a Class Together

Art Class

Taking a class together can be a very underrated way to both learn more about something that interests you both. I would caution against taking a class though unless you both have an interest in the class subject.  

You can take any kind of class that you both like, anything from: pottery, cooking, acting, music, etc. Some classes can also be very expensive, so you need to make sure that classes are within both of your price ranges. You can find some fun classes on websites like eventbrite.

9. Go to trivia night together 

Trivia night is always a great time. Going out and being on a very competitive team together and hyping each other up and telling each other how you are going to destroy the competition. If you win or it is a subject that the two of you are knowledgeable about it’s a huge plus!  

The other thing to keep in mind is to make sure that if trivia is themed it’s about a subject that you are both interested in. If you love Star Wars (for example) and your date has never seen Star Wars, don’t take them to a trivia night for it.  

There are few things that make people feel less compatible than one person getting passionate about facts from something the other person doesn’t have any interest in.  

So, make sure the other person also likes what you’re interested in first and you’ll have a great time!  

10. Double Dates

Young Couple Double Date

I absolutely love double dates. The four of you can go out and do anything and it will feel much less tense than a date with only the other person. You just need to be a bit selective about the person you are taking with you to the double date and you’re going to have a great time.  

One thing you need to clarify before the double date though, is who exactly from the pairs is going on a date with the other person. If two people thought they were going on a date with the same person from the pair, you’re not going to have a great time.  

The good thing is that most double dates are with couples and the new potential couple. This gets around that potential risk. Another thing to be cautious about when going on a double date is someone feeling excluded or people defaulting too much on their friends.  

I think a great way to get around this is doing a competitive event together, bowling, mini golf, playing a sport, frisbee etc. and the new potential couple forming a team against the other two. This way you have a chance to play a fun game against your friends and get to know your date.  

Worst case scenario, you have an interesting story with the friend that you knew!  


I hope this list can help you and your able to go on the perfect date with someone that interests you! If you’re looking for the perfect place to find the date and find other fun dates Damb is the place perfect place for you.